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[148] Richard M., Garreau A., Bestion E., Cucherousset J., Montoya J.M. & Blanchet S. 2025. The Aquatic Metatron: A large-­ scale experimental facility to study the combined effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change on aquatic meta-­ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 16:57–65

[147] Marin V., Cucherousset J. & Grenouillet G. 2025. Interactive effects of anthropogenic stressors on the temporal changes in the size spectrum of lake fish communities. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 34:e12826.

[146] Imbert A., Boulêtreau S., Beisel J.-N. & Cucherousset J. 2025. Quantitative estimates of nutrient inputs from angling baits in lakes supporting different recreational fisheries. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 0:e12802.

[145] Nobre R., Vagnon C., Boulêtreau S., Colas F., Azémar F., Tudesque L., Parthuisot N., Millet P. & Cucherousset J. 2025. Floating photovoltaics strongly reduce water temperature: A whole-lake experiment. Journal of Environmental Management. 375: 124230.


[144] Vagnon C., Olden J.D., Boulêtreau S., Bruel R., Chevalier M., Garcia F., Holtgrieve G., Jackson M., Thebault E., Tedesco P.A. & Cucherousset J. 2024. Ecosystem synchrony: an emerging property to elucidate ecosystem responses to global change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 39: 1080-1089.

[143] Britton, J.R., Andreou, D., Boardman, R., Garcia, F., Gimenez, M., Imbert, A., Parker, B., Warren, B., Yeldham, M. & Cucherousset, J., 2024. The angled‐web: Recreational angling as an underappreciated disruptor to the interconnectedness of terrestrial and freshwater food webs. Freshwater Biology. 69:1739-1747.

[142] Imbert A., Beisel J.-N., Boulêtreau S. & Cucherousset J. 2024. Angling bait consumption and stable isotope niche of two cyprinids in different lake fisheries. Freshwater Biology. 69: 823-832.

[141] Martelo J., Gkenas C., Ribeiro D., Alves M.J., Ribeiro F., Cucherousset J., Gago J. & Magalhães M.F. 2024. Local environment and fragmentation by drought and damming shape different components of native and non-native fish beta diversity across pool refuges. Science of the Total Environment. 930: 172517.

[140] Rodrigues A.C., Cucherousset J., Cunha E.R., Lacerda dos Santos N.C. & Gomes L. C. 2024. Functional dissimilarity correlates to the co‑occurrence patterns of native and non‑native species. Biological Invasions. 1-13.

[139] Belouard N., Petit E. J., Cucherousset J. & Paillisson J.-M. 2024. Variation of the stable isotope niches of native amphibians in ponds invaded by the red swamp crayfish. NeoBiota. 93: 245-262.

[138] Gimenez M. & Cucherousset J. 2024. Can habitat enhancement limit the ecological impacts of predatory fish stocking? An experimental approach. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 425: 8.

[137] Baudry T., Smith-Ravin J., Arqué A., Goût J.-P., Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M. & Grandjean F. 2024. Trophic niche of the invasive Cherax quadricarinatus and extent of competition with native shrimps in insular freshwater food webs. Biological Invasions. 1-15.

[136] Nobre R., Rocha S.M., Healing S., Ji Q., Boulêtreau S., Armstrong A. & Cucherousset J. 2024. A global study of freshwater coverage by floating photovoltaics. Solar Energy. 267: 112244.


[135] Arranz I., Grenouillet G. & Cucherousset. J. 2023. Human pressures modulate climate-warming-induced changes in size spectra of stream fish communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7: 1072–1078.

[134] Arranz I., & Cucherousset. J. 2023. Climate warming effects on stream-fish size spectra are modulated by other perturbations [Research Briefing]. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7: 977–978.

[133] Evangelista C., Danger M., Lassus R. & Cucherousset Julien. 2023. Different impacts of diet composition on the stoichiometric traits of two freshwater species. Aquatic Ecology. 1-13.

[132] Nobre R., Boulêtreau S., Colas F., Azemar F., Tudesque L., Parthuisot N., Favriou P. & Cucherousset J. 2023. Potential ecological impacts of floating solar panels on lake biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 188: 113852.

[131] Garcia F., Paz-Vinas I., Gaujard A., Olden J.D. & Cucherousset J. 2023. Avian zoochory is a probable pathway of European perch colonization in artificial lakes: a reply to Vasemägi et al. (2023). EcoEvoRvix.

[130] Stiling R.R., Olden J.D., Cucherousset J., Boulêtreau S. & Holtgrieve G.W. 2023. Global investigation of lake habitat coupling by fishes. Oecologia 202:617-628.

[129] Garcia F., Paz-Vinas I., Gaujard A., Olden J.D. & Cucherousset J. 2023. Multiple lines and levels of evidence for avian zoochory promoting fish colonization of artificial lakes. Biology Letters. 19: 20220533.

[128] Arranz I., Grenouillet G. & Cucherousset. J. 2023. Biological invasions and eutrophication reshape the spatial patterns of stream fish size spectra in France. Diversity and Distribution. 29: 590-597.

[127] Gimenez M., Villéger S., Grenouillet G., & Cucherousset J. 2023. Stocking practices shape the taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities in gravel pit lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 00, 1–12.

[126] Marin V., Arranz I., Grenouillet G. & Cucherousset J. 2023. Fish size spectrum as a complementary biomonitoring approach of freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators. 146: 109833.

[125] Raffard, A., Cucherousset, J., Santoul, F., Di Gesu, L. & Blanchet, S. 2023. Climate and intraspecific variation in a consumer species drive ecosystem multifunctionality. Oikos. e09286.

[124] Imbert A., Cucherousset J., Parthuisot N. & Boulêtreau S. 2023. Elemental composition
and microbial decomposition of different angling baits.
Fisheries Management and Ecology. 29, 552–559.

[123] Závorka L., Blanco A., Chaguaceda F., Cucherousset J., Killen S.S., Liénart C., Mathieu-Resuge M., Němec P., Pilecky M., Scharnweber K., Twining C.W. & Martin J. Kainz. 2023. The role of vital dietary biomolecules in eco-evo-devo dynamics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 38: 72-84.


[122] Nobre R. Boulêtreau S. & Cucherousset J. 2022. Small lakes at risk from extensive solar-panel coverage [Correspondence]. Nature. 607: 239.

[121] Britton J.R., Cucherousset J. & Almela V.D. 2022. Novel trophic subsidies from recreational angling transform the trophic ecology of freshwater fishes. Journal of Applied Ecology. 59:2373–2385.

[120] Nöbel S., Wang X., Talvard L., Tariel J., Lille M., Cucherousset J., Roussigné M. & Danchin E. 2022. The importance of population heterogeneities in detecting social learning as the foundation of animal cultural transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289: 20220431.

[119] de Carvalho A., Riem-Galliano L., ter Halle A. & Cucherousset J. 2022. Interactive effect of urbanization and flood in modulating microplastic pollution in rivers. Environmental Pollution. 309 (2022) 119760.

[118] Alp M. & Cucherousset J. 2022. Food webs speak of human impact: Using stable isotope-based tools to measure ecological consequences of environmental change. Food Webs. 30: e00218.

[117] Arranz I., Nobre R., Cucherousset J., de Carvalho A., Cantarute‐Rodrigues A., Favriou P., Garcia F., Gimenez M., Imbert A., Marin V. & Paz‐Vinas I. 2022. Promoting lab culture to enhance academic resilience during crises. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8986.

[116] Sturbois A., Cucherousset J., De Caceres M., Desroy N., Riera P., Carpentier A., Quillien N., Grall J., Espinasse B., CHerel Y. & Schaal G. 2022. Stable Isotope Trajectory Analysis (SITA): A new approach to quantify and visualize dynamics in stable isotope studies. Ecological Monographs. 92:e1501

[115] Westrelin S., Cucherousset J., Roy R., Tissot L., Santoul F. & Argillier C. 2022. Habitat partitioning among three predatory fish in a temperate reservoir. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 31:129–142.


[114] Paz-Vinas I., Lang I., Millet P., Veyssière C., Loot G. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Inference of local invasion pathways in two invasive crayfish species displaying contrasting genetic patterns. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58:2854–2865.

[113] Cucherousset J., Sundt-Hansen L. E., Buoro M. , Závorka L. , Lassus R., Bækkelie K. A. E., Fleming I.A., Björnsson B.T., Johnsson J.I. & Hindar K. 2021. Growth-enhanced salmon modify stream ecosystem functioning. Journal of Fish Biology. 99: 1978-1989.

[112] Guillerault N., Loot G., Blanchet S., Millet P., Musseau C., Cucherousset J. & Santoul F. 2021. Efficiency of Northern pike (Esox lucius) stocking in metropolitan France at large spatial and temporal scales. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 28:486–495.

[111] Lang I., Paz-Vinas I., Cucherousset J. & Loot G. 2021. Patterns and determinants of phenotypic variability within two invasive crayfish species. Freshwater Biology. 66: 1782-1798.

[110] de Carvalho A.R., Imbert A., Parker B., Euphrasie A., Boulêtreau S., Britton J.R. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Microplastic in angling baits as a cryptic source of contamination in European. Scientific Reports. 11: 11255.

[109] de Carvalho A.R., Van-Craynest C., Riem-Galliano L., Tudesque L., ter Halle A. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Protocol for microplastic pollution monitoring in freshwater ecosystems: Towards a high-throughput sample processing – MICROPLASTREAM. MethodsX. 8: 101396.

[108] Cucherousset J., Lassus R., Riepe C., Millet P., Santoul F., Arlinghaus R. & Buoro M. 2021. Quantitative estimates of freshwater fish stocking practices by recreational angling clubs in France. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 28:295–304

[107] Garcia F., De Carvalho A.R., Riem-Galliano L., Tudesque L., Albignac M., Ter Halle A. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Stable isotope insights into microplastic contamination within freshwater food webs. Environmental Science and Technology. 55, 1024−1035.

[106] de Carvalho A.R., Garcia F., Riem-Galliano L., Tudesque L., Albignac M., ter Halle A. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Urbanization and hydrological conditions drive the spatial and temporal variability of microplastic pollution in the Garonne River. Science of the Total Environment. 769: 144479.

[105] Raffard A., Cucherousset J., Montoya J.M., Richard M., Acoca-Pidolle S., Poésy C., Garreau A., Santoul F. & Blanchet S. 2021.Intraspecific diversity loss in a predator species alters prey community structure and ecosystem functions. PLoS Biology. 19: e3001145.

[104] Colas F., Baudoin J.M., Bonin P., Cabrol L., Daufresne M., Lassus R. & Cucherousset J. 2021. Ecosystem maturity modulates greenhouse gases fluxes from artificial lakes. Science of the Total Environment. 760 : 144046.


[103] Cucherousset J. & Olden J.D. 2020. Are domesticated freshwater fish an underappreciated culprit of ecosystem changeFish and Fisheries. 21: 1253–1258.

[102] Závorka L., Lassus R., Britton J.R. & Cucherousset J. 2020. Phenotypic responses of invasive species to removals affect ecosystem functioning and restoration Global Change Biology 26: 5693–5704.

[101] Olden J.D., Vitule J.R.S., Cucherousset J. & Kennard M. 2020. There’s more to fish than just food: Exploring the diverse ways that fish contribute to human society. Fisheries 45: 454-464.

[100] Cucherousset J., Závorka L., Ponsard S., Céréghino R. & Santoul F. 2020. Stable isotope niche convergence in coexisting native and non-native salmonids across age classesCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77: 1359–1365

[99] Fujitani M.L., Riepe C., Pagel T., Buoro M., Santoul F., Lassus R., Cucherousset J. & Arlinghaus R. 2020. Ecological and social constraints are key for voluntary investments into renewable natural resources. Global Environmental Change. 63: 102125.

[98] Raffard A., Santoul F., Blanchet S. & Cucherousset J. 2020. Linking intraspecific variability in trophic and functional niches along an environmental gradientFreshwater Biology. 65: 1401–1411.

[97] Latorre D., Masó G., Hinckley A., Verdiell-Cubedo D., Castillo-García G., González-Rojas A.G., Black-Barbour E.N., Vila-Gispert A., García-Berthou E., Miranda R., Oliva-Paterna F.J., Ruiz-Navarro A., da Silva E., Fernández-Delgado C., Cucherousset J., Serrano J.M. & Almeida D. 2020. Inter-population variability in dietary traits of invasive bleak Alburnus alburnus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) across the Iberian Peninsula. Water 12: 2200.

[96] Lang I., Evangelista C., Everts R.M. , Loot G. & Cucherousset J. 2020. Stable resource polymorphism along the benthic littoral–pelagic axis in an invasive crayfish. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 2650-2660.

[95] Závorka L. , Larranaga N. , Wallerius M.L., Näslund J., Koeck B., Wengström N., Cucherousset J. & Johnsson J.I. 2020. Within-stream phenotypic divergence in head shape of brown trout associated to invasive brook trout. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 129 : 347-355.

[94] Nyqvist M.J., Cucherousset J., Gozlan R.E., Beaumont W.R.C. & Britton J.R. 2020. Dispersal strategies of juvenile pike (Esox lucius L.): influences and consequences for body size, somatic growth and trophic position. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 29:377-383. 


[93] Bestion E., Soriano-Redondo A., Cucherousset J., Jacob S., White J., Zinger L., Fourtune L., Di Gesu L., Teyssier A., & J. Cote. 2019. Altered trophic interactions in warming climates: consequences for predator diet breadth and fitness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 286: 20192227.

[92] Beaune D., Castelnau F., Sellier Y. and Cucherousset J. 2019. Native top-predator cannot eradicate an invasive fish from small pond ecosystems. Journal for Nature Conservation. 50: 125713.

[91] Evangelista C., Cucherousset J. & Lecerf A. 2019. Contrasting ecological impacts of geographically-close invasive populations. Oecologia. 189: 529–536.

[90] Larranaga N., Wallerius M.L., Guo H., Cucherousset J. & Johnsson J.I. 2019. Invasive brook trout disrupts the diel activity and aggregation patterns of native brown trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76: 1052-1059.

[89] Evangelista C., Olden J.D.O., Lecerf A. & Cucherousset J. 2019. Scale‑dependent patterns of intraspecific trait variations in two globally invasive speciesOecologia. 189: 1083–1094.

[88] Gkenas C, Magalhães M.F., Cucherousset J., Orjuela R.L. & Ribeiro F. 2019. Dietary niche divergence between two invasive fish in Mediterranean streams. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 420 : 24.

[87] Therry L., Cote J., Cucherousset J., Finn F. Buoro Y. & Blanchet S. 2019. Genetic and environmental contributions to the impact of a range‐expanding predator on aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 35-46.

[86] Zhao T ., Villéger S. & Cucherousset J. 2019. Accounting for intraspecific diversity when examining relationships between non-native species and functional diversity. Oecologia. 189:171–183.

[85] Závorka L., Brijs J., Wengström N., Wallerius M.L., Näslund J., Koeck B., Aldvén D., Lassus R., Höjesjö J., Johnsson J.I. & Cucherousset J. 2019. Laboratory captivity can affect scores of metabolic rates and swimming activity in wild brown trout. Journal of Zoology. 307:249-255.

[84] Raffard A., Cucherousset J., Prunier J.G., Loot G., Santoul F. & Blanchet S. 2019. Variability of functional traits and their syndromes in a freshwater fish species (Phoxinus phoxinus): the role of adaptive and non-adaptive processesEcology and Evolution. 2019:1-14.

[83] Raffard A. , Santoul F., Cucherousset J. & Blanchet S. 2019. The community and ecosystem consequences of intraspecific diversity: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews. 94:648-661.


[82] Aas Ø., Cucherousset J., Fleming I.A. , Wolter C., Höjesjö J., Buoro M. , Santoul F., Johnsson J.I., Hindar K. & Arlinghaus R. 2018. Salmonid stocking in five North Atlantic jurisdictions – identifying drivers and barriers to policy change. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 28:1451-1464.

[81] Závorka L., Buoro M. & Cucherousset J. 2018. The negative ecological impacts of a globally introduced species decrease with time since introduction. Global Change Biology. 24:4428-4437.

[80] Závorka L., Lang I., Raffard A., Evangelista C., Britton J.R., Olden J.D. & Cucherousset J. 2018. Importance of harvest-driven trait changes for invasive species management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 16: 317-318.

[79] Zięba G., Smith C., Fox M.G., Yavno S., Záhorská E., Przybylski M., Masson G., Cucherousset J., Verreycken H., van Kleef H.H. & Copp G.H. 2018. Red operculum spots, body size, maturation and evidence for a satellite male phenotype in non-native European populations of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27: 874-883.

[78] Latorre D., Masó G., Hinckley A., Verdiell-Cubedo D., Tarkan A.S., Vila-Gispert A., García-Berthou E., Copp G.H., da Silva E., Ruiz-Navarro A., Oliva-Paterna F.J., Miranda R., Fernández-Delgado C., Cucherousset J., Serrano J.M. & Almeida D. 2018. Inter-population plasticity in growth and reproduction of invasive bleak Alburnus alburnus across the Iberian Peninsula. Marine and Freshwater Research. 69: 1326-1332.

[77] Cucherousset J., Horky P., Slavik O., Ovidio M., Arlinghaus R., Bouletreau S., Britton R., Garcia-Berthou E. & Santoul F. 2018. Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 28: 177-190. 

[76] Nyqvist M.J., Cucherousset J., Gozlan R.E. & Britton J.R. 2018. Relationships between individual movement, trophic position and growth of juvenile pike (Esox lucius). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27: 398–407. 


[75] Raffard A. , Lecerf A., Cote J., Buoro M., Lassus R. & Cucherousset J. 2017. The Functional Syndrome: linking individual trait variability to ecosystem functioning. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284: 20171893.     

[74] Kopf R.K., Nimmo D.G., Humphries P., Baumgartner L.J., Bode M., Bond N.R. Byrom A.E., Cucherousset J., Keller R.P., King A.J., McGinness H.M., Moyle P.M. & Olden J.D. 2017. Confronting the risks of large-scale invasive species control. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1:0172.

[73] Jackson M.C., Evangelista C., Zhao T., Lecerf A., Britton J.R. & Cucherousset J. 2017. Between-lake variation in the trophic ecology of an invasive crayfish. Freshwater Biology 62: 1501–1510.

[72] Riepe C., Fujitani M., Cucherousset J., Pagel T., Buoro M., Santoul F., Lassus R. & Arlinghaus R. 2017. What determines the behavioral intention of local-level fisheries managers to alter fish stocking practices in freshwater recreational fisheries of two European countries? Fisheries Research 194: 173-187.

[71] Evangelista C., Lecerf A., Britton R. & Cucherousset J. 2017. Resource composition mediates the effects of intraspecific variability in nutrient recycling on ecosystem processes. Oikos 126: 1439–1450.

[70] Závorka L., Koeck B., Cucherousset J., Brijs J., Näslund J., Aldvén D., Höjesjö J., Fleming I.A. & Johnsson J. I. 2017. Co-existence with non-native brook trout breaks down the integration of phenotypic traits in brown trout parr. Functional Ecology. 31:1582–1591.

[69] Guo Z., Liu J., Lek S., Li Z., Zhu F., Tang J., Britton J.R. & Cucherousset J. 2017. Coexisting invasive gobies reveal no evidence for temporal and trophic niche differentiation in the sublittoral habitat of Lake Erhai, China. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:42-52. 

[68] Comte L., Cucherousset J. & Olden J.D. 2017. Global test of Eltonian niche conservatism of nonnative freshwater fish species between their native and introduced ranges. Ecography 40: 384-392.    


[67] Buoro M., Olden J.D. & Cucherousset J. 2016. Global Salmonidae introductions reveal stronger ecological effects of changing intraspecific compared to interspecific diversity. Ecology Letters. 19: 1363–1371. 

[66] Alp M., Cucherousset J., Buoro M. & Lecerf A. 2016. Phenological response of a key ecosystem function to biological invasion. Ecology Letters 19: 519–527.

[65] Comte L., Cucherousset J., Bouletreau S. & Olden J.D. 2016. Resource partitioning and functional diversity of worldwide freshwater fish communities. Ecosphere 7:e01356.        

[64] Phang S.C., Stillman R.A., Cucherousset J., Britton J.R.m Roberts D., Neaumont W.R.C. & Gozlan R.E. 2016. FishMORPH – An agent-based model to predict salmonid growth and distribution responses under natural and low flows. Scientific Reports 6:29414.

[63] Copp G.H., Tarkan A.S., Masson G., Godard M.J., Koščo J., Kováč V., Novomeská A., Miranda R., Cucherousset J., Pedicillo G. & Blackwell B.G. 2016. A review of growth and life-history traits of native and non-native European populations of black bullhead Ameiurus melas. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26: 441.  PDF

[62] Lecerf A., Evangelista C., Cucherousset J. & Boiche A. 2016. Riparian overstory–understory interactions and their potential implications for forest-stream linkages. Forest Ecology and Management 367:112-119. 

[61] Pool T., Cucherousset J., Bouletreau S., Villeger S. Strecker A.L. & Grenouillet G. 2016. Increased taxonomic and functional similarity does not increase the trophic similarity of communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25:46-54.

[60] Gkenas C., Magalhaes F., Cucherousset J., Domingos I. & Ribeiro F. 2016. Long term patterns in the late summer trophic niche of the invasive pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus. Knowkedge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 417:19.

[59]Jackson M.C., Britton J.R., Cucherousset J., Guo Z., Stakenas S., Gozlan R.E., Godard M.G., Roussel J.M. & Copp G.H. 2016. Do non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus affect the growth, diet and trophic niche breadth of native brown trout Salmo trutta? Hydrobiologia 772:63-75.

[58] Zhao T., Grenouillet G., Pool T., Tudesque L. & Cucherousset J. 2016. Environmental determinants of fish community structure in gravel pit lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25: 412–421.  

[57] Guo Z., Liu J., Lek S., Li Z., Zhu F., Tang J. & Cucherousset J. 2016. Age, growth and population dynamics of two congeneric and invasive gobies, Rhinogobius giurinus and R. cliffordpopei (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) in a plateau lake, southwestern China. Hydrobiologia 763: 69-79. 


[56] Cucherousset J. & Villeger S. 2015. Quantifying the multiple facets of isotopic diversity: new metrics for stable isotope ecology. Ecological Indicators 56: 152-160.

[55] Cucherousset J., Fried G., Cote J. & Renault D. 2015. Biological invasions and ecosystem functioning; assessment of the ecological impacts driven by invasive species. Revue d’Ecologie 70:49-52.

[54] Evangelista C., Britton J.R. & Cucherousset J. 2015. Impacts of invasive fish removal through angling on population characteristics and juvenile growth rate. Ecology and Evolution 5:2193- 2202.                        

[53] Bestion E., Cucherousset J., Teyssier A. & Cote J. 2015. Non-consumptive effects of a top-predator decrease the strength of the trophic cascade in a four-level terrestrial food web. Oikos 124:1597-1602.       

[52] Sagouis A., Cucherousset J., Villeger S., Santoul F. & Bouletreau S. 2015. Non-native species modify the isotopic structure of freshwater fish communities across the globe. Ecography 38: 979–985.  

[51] Lasne E., Sabatie M.-R., Jeannot N. & Cucherousset J. 2015. The effects of dam removal on river colonization by sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus. River Research and Applications 31: 904–911.           


[50] Zhao T., Villeger S., Lek S. & Cucherousset J. 2014. High intraspecific variability in the functional niche of a predator is associated with ontogenetic shift and individual specialization. Ecology and Evolution 4: 4649-4657.   

[49] Juette T., Cucherousset J. & Cote J. 2014. Animal personality and the ecological impacts of freshwater non-native species. Current Zoology 60: 417–427.

[48] Evangelista C., Boiche A., Lecerf A. & Cucherousset J. 2014. Ecological opportunities and intraspecific competition alter trophic niche specialization in an opportunistic stream predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:1025-1034.                    

[47] Guo Z., Liu J., Lek S., Li Z., Zhu F., Tang J. & Cucherousset J. 2014. Trophic niche differences between two congeneric goby species: evidence for ontogenetic diet shift and habitat use. Aquatic Biology. 20: 23–33. 


[46] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M. & Roussel J.-M. 2013. Natal departure timing from spatially varying environments is dependent of individual ontogenetic status. Naturwissenschaften 100:761–768.

[45] Novomeska A., Katina S., Copp G.H., Pedicillo G., Lorenzoni M., Pompei L., Cucherousset J. & Kovac V. 2013. Morphological variability of black bullhead Ameiurus melas in four non-native European populations. Journal of Fish Biology 82:1103–1118.      

[44] Nyqvist M.J., Gozlan R.E., Cucherousset J. & Britton J.R. 2013. Absence of a context-general behavioural syndrome in a solitary predator. Ethology 119:156–166.        

[43] Guo Z., Cucherousset J., Lek S., Li Z., Zhu F., Tang J. & Liu J. 2013. Comparative study of the reproductive biology of two congeneric and introduced goby species: implications for management strategies. Hydrobiologia 709:89-99.    


[42] Cucherousset J., Bouletreau S., Azemar F., Compin A., Guillaume M. & Santoul S. 2012. ‘‘Freshwater Killer Whales’’: Beaching Behavior of an Alien Fish to Hunt Land Birds. PLoS ONE 7(12): e50840.  

[41] Guo Z., Liu J., Lek S., Li Z., Ye S., Zhu F., Tang J. & Cucherousset J. 2012. Habitat segregation between two congeneric and introduced goby species.Fundamental and Applied Limnology181/3:241-251. 

[40] Cucherousset J., Blanchet S. & Olden J.D. 2012. Non-native species promote the trophic dispersion of food webs. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 406-407.    

[39] Bartels P., Cucherousset J., Steger K., Eklov P., Tranvik L.J. & Hillebrand H. 2012. Reciprocal subsidies between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems structure consumer-resource dynamics. Ecology 93:1173-1182.      

[38] Nyqvist M.J., Gozlan R.E., Cucherousset J. & Britton J.R. 2012. Behavioural syndrome in a solitary predator is independent of body size and growth rate. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31619. 

[37] Oyugi D.O., Cucherousset J. & Britton J.R. 2012. Temperature-dependent feeding interactions between two invasive fishes competing through interference and exploitation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22:499–508.  

[36] Bartels P., Cucherousset J., Gudasz C., Jansson M., Karlsson J., Persson L., Premke K., Rubach A., Steger K., Tranvik L.J. & Eklöv P. 2012. Terrestrial subsidies to lake food webs: An experimental approach. Oecologia 168:807–818.

[35] Cucherousset J., Bouletreau S., Martino A., Roussel J.-M. & Santoul F. 2012. Using stable isotope analyses to determine the ecological effects of non-native fishes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19:111–119.

[34] Oyugi D.O., Cucherousset J., Baker D. & Britton J.R. 2012. Effects of temperature on the foraging and growth rate of juvenile common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Thermal Biology 37:89–94.      

[33] Andreou D., Vacquie-Garcia J., Cucherousset J., Blanchet S., Gozlan, R.E. & Loot G. 2012. Individual genetic tagging for teleost fishes: an empirical validation and a guideline for ecologists. Journal of Fish Biology 80:181–194.


[32] Bouletreau S., Cucherousset J., Villeger S., Masson R. & Santoul F. 2011. Colossal aggregations of giant alien freshwater fish as a potential biogeochemical hotspot. Plos ONE 6(10):e25732.     

[31] Pegg J., Williams C.F., Cucherousset J. & Britton J.R. 2011. What are the consequences of infection by the introduced parasite Philometroides sanguineus for threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius populations in England? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 20:598–604.    

[30] Cucherousset J., Acou A., Blanchet S., Britton J.R., Beaumont W.R.C. & Gozlan R.E. 2011. Fitness consequences of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in European eels. Oecologia 167:75–84. 

[29] Cucherousset J. & Olden J.D. 2011.  Ecological impacts of non-native freshwater fishes. Fisheries 36:215–230.

[28] Oyugi D., Cucherousset J., Ntiba M.J., Kisia S.M., Harper D. & Britton J.R. 2011. Life history traits of an equatorial common carp Cyprinus carpio population in relation to thermal influences on invasive populations. Fisheries Research 110:92–97.

[27] Britton J.R., Cucherousset J., Grey J. & Gozlan R.E. 2011. Determining the strength of exploitative competition from an introduced fish: roles of density, biomass and body size. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 20:74–79.  


[26] Britton J.R., Cucherousset J., Davies G.D., Godard M.J. & Copp G.H. 2010. Non-native fishes and climate change: predicting species responses to warming temperatures in a temperate region. Freshwater Biology 55:1130–1141.

[25] Cucherousset J., Britton J.R., Beaumont W.R.C., Nyqvist M., Sievers K. & Gozlan R.E. 2010. Determining the effects of species, environmental conditions and tracking method on the detection efficiency of portable PIT telemetry. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1039–1045.

[24] Tarkan A.S., Cucherousset J., Zieba G., Godard M.J. & Copp G.H. 2010. Growth and reproduction of introduced goldfish Carassius auratus in small ponds of southeast England with and without native crucian carp Carassius carassius. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26:102–108. 

[23] Copp G.H., Stakenas S. & Cucherousset J. 2010. Aliens versus the Natives: Interactions between Introduced Pumpkinseed and Indigenous Brown Trout in Small Streams of Southern England. In: Community Ecology of Stream Fishes: Concepts, Approaches, and Techniques (Ed. Gido, K. B. and D. A. Jackson). American Fisheries Society Symposium 73:347-370.

[22] Syväranta J., Cucherousset J., Kopp D., Crivelli A., Céréghino R. & Santoul F. 2010. Dietary breadth and trophic position of introduced European catfish Silurus glanis in the River Tarn (Garonne River basin), southwest France. Aquatic Biology 8: 137–144.              


[21] Cucherousset J., Copp G.H., Fox M.G., Sterud E. van Kleef H.H., Verreycken H. & Záhorska E. 2009. Life-history traits and potential invasiveness of introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus populations in northwestern Europe. Biological Invasions 11: 2171-2180.  

[20] Copp G.H., Britton J.R., Cucherousset J., Garcia-Berthou E., Kirk R., Peeler E. & Stakenas S. 2009. Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in its native and introduced ranges. Fish and Fisheries 10: 252-282. 

[19] Tarkan A.S., Copp G.H., Zieba G., Godard M. & Cucherousset J. 2009. Growth and reproduction of threatened native crucian carp Carassius carassius in small ponds of Epping Forest, southeast England. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19: 797-805.   

[18] Kopp D., Cucherousset J., Syväranta J., Martino A., Céréghino R. & Santoul F. 2009. Trophic ecology of the pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in its introduced areas: a stable isotope approach in southwestern France. Comptes Rendus Biologies332: 741-746.                           

[17] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M., Cuzol A. & Roussel J.-M. 2009. Spatial behaviour of young-of-the-year northern pike (Esox lucius) in a temporarily flooded nursery area. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18: 314-322.

[16] Syväranta J., Cucherousset J., Kopp D., Martino A., Céréghino R. & Santoul F. 2009.  Contribution of anadromous fish to the diet of European catfish in a large river system. Naturwissenschaften 96: 631-635.


[15] Cucherousset J., Santoul F., Figuerola J. & Céréghino R. 2008. How do biodiversity of river animals emerge from the distributions of common and rare species? Biological Conservation 141: 2984-2992.   

[14] Cucherousset J., Marty P., Pelozuelo L. & Roussel J.-M. 2008. Portable PIT detector as a new tool for non-disruptively locating individually tagged amphibians in the field: a case study with Pyrenean brook salamanders (Calotriton asper). Wildlife Research 35: 780-787.

[13] Cucherousset J., Aymes J.C., Poulet N., Santoul F., & Céréghino R. 2008. Do native brown trout and non-native brook trout interact reproductively? Naturwissenschaften 95:647-654.            

[12] Cucherousset J., Carpentier A. & Paillisson J.-M. 2008. Selective use and spatial distribution of native and non-native species in temporarily flooded habitats. River Research Applications 24:1240-1250.   


[11] Cucherousset J., Aymes J.C., Santoul F., & Céréghino R. 2007. Stable isotope evidence of trophic interactions between introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and native brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a mountain stream of southwest France. Journal of Fish Biology 71 (Supplement D): 210-223.   

[10] Carpentier A., Gozlan R.E., Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M. & Marion L. 2007. Is topmouth gudgeon responsible for the decline of sunbleak populations? Journal of Fish Biology 71 (Supplement D): 274-278.    

[9] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M., Carpentier A., Thoby V., Damien J.-P., Eybert M.-C., Feunteun E. & Robinet T. 2007. Freshwater protected areas: an effective measure to reconcile conservation and exploitation of the threatened European eels (Anguilla anguilla)? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16: 528-538.    

[8] Cucherousset J., Carpentier A. & Paillisson J.-M. 2007. How do fish exploit temporary waters throughout a flooding episode? Fisheries Management and Ecology 14: 269-276.

[7] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M. & Roussel J.-M. 2007. Using PIT-Telemetry to study the fate of hatchery-reared YOY northern pike released into shallow vegetated areas. Fisheries Research 85: 159-164.     

[6] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M., Carpentier A. & Chapman L.J. 2007. Fish emigration from temporary wetlands during drought: the role of physiological tolerance. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 186: 169-178.                     


[5] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M., Carpentier A., Eybert M.-C. & Olden J.D. 2006. Use of an artificial wetland by the invasive catfish Ameirus melas. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 15: 589-596.                             

[4] Cucherousset J., Paillisson J.-M. & Carpentier A. 2006. Is mass removal an efficient measure to regulate the North American catfish Ameiurus melas outside of its native range? Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 21: 699-704.         

[3] Cucherousset J., Ombredane D. & Baglinière J.-L. 2006. Linking juvenile growth and migration behaviour of brown trout (Salmo trutta) using individual PIT-tagging. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 47: 73-78.  


[2] Cucherousset J., Ombredane D., Charles K. Marchand F. & Baglinière J.-L. 2005. A continuum of life history tactics in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 62: 1600-1610.   

[1] Cucherousset J., Roussel J.-M., Keeler R., Cunjak R.A. & Stump R. 2005. The use of two new portable 12-mm PIT Tag detectors to track small fish in shallow streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 25: 270-274.