Since 2020, we are studying the ecological effects of floating solar on freshwater diversity and the functioning of lake ecosystems. We aim to develop a long-term and integrative quantification of these impacts by working across multiple levels of biological organisation and on multiple biological taxa and functional processes.
Our work is part of the SOLAKE (2020-2025), ECLIPSE (2022-2025) and FLOATIX (2024-2028) projects that are funding by the OFB, ADEME and European Commission (Marie Curie fellowship)


Objective 1) Determine the ecological effects in lake ecosystems
Here, we use a before-after control-impact in several gravel pit lakes to measure the ecological effects of FPV. Lakes are equipped with automating sensors and seasonal sampling is performed.
Objective 2) Assess experimentally the effects of different coverage by FPV?
Here, we are performing two long-term experimentations in Moulis (Aquatic Metatron, CNRS) and Rennes (PEARL, INRAE) to assess the ecological effects of different coverages (%) of floating solar.

CARTELL – Thonon-les-bains, France
LANCASTER University – United-Kingdom
– Nobre R., Vagnon C., Boulêtreau S., Colas F., Azémar F., Tudesque L., Parthuisot N., Millet P. & Cucherousset J. 2025. Floating photovoltaics strongly reduce water temperature: A whole-lake experiment. Journal of Environmental Management. 375: 124230.
– Nobre R., Rocha S.M., Healing S., Ji Q., Boulêtreau S., Armstrong A. & Cucherousset J. 2024. A global study of freshwater coverage by floating photovoltaics. Solar Energy. 267: 112244.
– Nobre R., Boulêtreau S., Colas F., Azemar F., Tudesque L., Parthuisot N., Favriou P. & Cucherousset J. 2023. Potential ecological impacts of floating solar panels on lake biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 188: 113852.
– Nobre R. Boulêtreau S. & Cucherousset J. 2022. Small lakes at risk from extensive solar-panel coverage [Correspondence]. Nature. 607: 239.
– Nobre R., Boulêtreau S., Colas F., Azemar F., Tudesque L., Parthuisot N., Favriou P. & Cucherousset J. 2022. Synthèse des connaissances sur les impacts écologiques potentiels des panneaux solaires flottants sur la biodiversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes lacustres. Annexe du Rapport du projet SOLAKE – OFB.